Friday, October 14, 2011

Sherlock Holmes

Who is the world's greatest consulting detective? It's elementary my dear Watson..... Sherlock Holmes. Basil Rathbone was not the first to portray Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary detective but his performance on screen and radio established him as the quintessential Holmes. Undoubtedly he set the standard for all other actors who would follow. Unfortunately most of The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes radio drama series which starred Rathbone and Nigel Bruce no longer exist. Though a few can still be purchased online, in book stores or downloaded through various OTR websites. This great radio drama series not only captured the imagination but the heart as well.

In the modern era Holmes continues to live on in the world of audio drama. In the past couple of decades or so there have been a number of outstanding Sherlock Holmes productions. If you're a Holmes aficionado then here are some great shows worth looking into.

The BBC produced the entire Conan Doyle Holmes canon featuring Clive Merrison as Holmes and Michael Williams as Watson. As Holmes and Watson, Merrison and Williams are dynamic. Each episode is absolutely stellar. For authenticity and quality it's impossible to top this wonderful series.

The Sherlock Holmes Theatre produced by Hollywood Theatre of the Ear (Yuri Rasovsky) features Martin Jarvis as Holmes and Kristoffer Tabori as Watson. In this edition William Gillette's Sherlock Holmes play is brought to life along with the Conan Doyle story The Speckled Band. As a side point Star Trek and A-Team fans will recognize Dwight Schultz as Dr. Roylott in The Speckled Band. Conan Doyle would have loved this production and so will Holmes fans.

Jim French Productions (Imagination Theater) has produced a half hour Holmes series for several years. Originally this series starred John Gilbert as Holmes and later John Patrick Lowrie. Larry Albert plays Dr. John H. Watson. This show faithfully portrays the great detective along with his friend and helper with pinpoint accuracy and the finest quality. 

If you have a challenging case and need the assistance of the great detective you can call on him at his lodgings located at 221B Baker Street London, England. Perhaps you can persuade him to take on your endeavor. Or if you have no mystery for Holmes to solve but still wish to be kept abreast of his cases you could pick up a copy of The Strand. Dr. Watson is sure to detail every adventure for readers of this periodical. Or you could listen to one of his exceptionally dramatized audio adventures by any of these wonderful production groups.

The game is afoot!

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