Monday, August 1, 2011

#65 The Long Goodbye - Philip Marlowe (BBC)

Ed Bishop stars as Philip Marlowe in a powerful great BBC full-cast dramatization of Raymond Chandler's classic noir novel. The first time Marlowe sets eyes on Terry Lennox, he is lying drunk in the passenger seat of a Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith. The next time, he's on Skid Row. For reasons unknown Marlowe takes a liking to Lennox deciding he's a nice guy who's had a hard life. His white hair and scarred face testify to that fact. Though it could be marriage to Sylvia Lennox has taken its toll and turned him prematurely grey? Beautiful and rich, she plays the field with no consideration for the commitment that wedlock is supposed to have.. Lennox says he has a job in Las Vegas lined up so Marlowe helps him out providing him with the cost of the ticket. Two weeks later, Marlowe gets the money back along with a note from Lennox saying he and Sylvia are starting a second honeymoon. But the honeymoon turns sour and the dame ends up dead. Lennox winds up on Marlowe's doorstep in big trouble needing to get away in a hurry. Against his better judgment Marlowe agrees to sneak Lennox out of the country by taking him to Tijuana. Shortly after returning from Mexico, the cops arrive, and Marlowe finds himself in the hoosegow, suspected of helping Sylvia's killer escape. But that's not the end of his problems, not by a long shot.

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